Before Choosing a Web Hosting Provider

Not all web hosting plans are same, nor are web hosting providers. When searching for a new web hosting service, you should focus on the following criteria: disk space, bandwidth, upload/download speeds, security and dependability, customer support, references/testimonials, and guarantees. Below, we will address them one by one.

Storage Capacity and Bandwidth

Disk space is the amount of storage space your web hosting company allots for your website’s files (from image galleries to databases to HTML and ASP docs, etc.). Bandwidth is the quantity of data transfer that your web hosting company permits you to transfer in a certain time frame (usually a month). Disk space impacts the depth and complexity of your website. Bandwidth determines the amount of traffic that may be accommodated. In other words, don’t spend a fortune on more than you need, but make sure you have sufficient resources to accommodate the traffic (and development) you predict in your best-case scenarios.

Upload and Download Rates

How long will it take for a web page to load when someone visits your website? The answer to this question, and the consistency with which you and your web hosting provider maintain it, may be the lone factor that determines the success or failure of your organization. The Internet makes people’s short attention spans even shorter. The longer you make people wait, the more likely it is that they will quit waiting.

Safety and Dependability

The servers and other equipment used by a web hosting company to run your website are kept in a facility known as a data center. This data center must be as secure as possible in order to safeguard your equipment, as your entire enterprise is at risk. This entails round-the-clock surveillance by professional security officers and surveillance cameras. Certain steps must be taken to maintain the equipment’s functionality in the event of an emergency, such as a power loss, a fire, or other natural disasters. This includes redundant backup power sources and fuel supplies to assure continuous electricity, advanced smoke and fire detection, alerting, and suppression technology, and redundant environmental controls (ie. air conditioning systems).

Customer Support

Is it 24/7 365? Is everything free, or merely a few services? Or is nothing free? Can a live person be reached through toll-free telephone? Which areas? (For example, a European toll-free number may not be accessible from the United States.) Does the web server offer email-based support tickets, live chat, or both? How comprehensive are their user manuals, tutorials, and help files? Do any of their aid instructions utilize Flash or streaming audio/video, or are they exclusively text-based?


Who enjoys them? A savvy sales website will display client endorsements on a separate page. To determine who dislikes a web hosting company, you will need to conduct additional Internet research. However, keep in mind that if you hunt for complaints, you will likely find them. A web hosting service is not immune to the cliché that it is impossible to please everyone all of the time. Therefore, take complaints with a grain of salt and carefully read them. Could the issue have been the result of client error, something outside the web hosting company’s control, a misunderstanding of policy or technology, or some other sort of miscommunication? Too frequently, the only form of feedback a company receives is negative. If a person is motivated to provide favorable feedback, it should be given due consideration.


In the same way that you must test drive a new automobile before purchasing it, you should be able to test out a web hosting provider’s services before committing to having your website hosted by them. Rarely (but occasionally) this will be offered as a free trial. Typically, it will be in the form of a money-back guarantee. Okay with us. 30 days is the bare minimum required. 90 is very good.

A decent web hosting service will also typically give an uptime guarantee, which is the percentage of time your website is guaranteed to be accessible to visitors. The best ones range between 99.5% and 99.99%. As long as their success rate is in the 99% level, you can feel secure.

A common final promise is a Custom Support Response Time guarantee (though it may not be worded quite that way). This indicates how quickly a support agent will respond (by phone, live chat, or email) to a “help ticket” or “email enquiry” that you send. 24 hours is okay, while 48 and 72 hours are also common. 3 hour response time guarantees are uncommon and valuable.

Upgrade/Downgrade Policies

Are they gratis? How long (1 year, lifetime)? What if you choose the wrong plan for your needs, outgrow your current plan, or shrink your business? Do not sign a contract with a web hosting provider that locks you into a single plan with no recourse in the event of such circumstances. There is no need to pay excessive costs to switch from one plan to another. Especially when a respectable web host allows you to switch plans whenever you need to and for any reason.