Many websites are hosted on a server that provides shared web hosting. The primary reason is the price. A shared web hosting server is significantly less expensive than a dedicated one. A shared web hosting server can accommodate somewhere between 1500 and 2000 websites.
The number of sites hosted on a shared web hosting server will vary based on the amount of available disk space, bandwidth per site, and server speed. There are benefits to hosting your website(s) on a dedicated server, even though shared web hosting is reliable and has few issues.
A dedicated server allows you to have a server that is exclusively dedicated to your website (s). In addition, a dedicated server grants you complete control and administration over the server.
If and when you decide to host your website on a dedicated server, you should have a solid grasp of dedicated servers. Even if the majority of dedicated server web hosting providers offer technical help, you will find it far simpler to administer the server on your own.
If you cannot manage your server on your own, however, you should go for managed dedicated server hosting. This solution is designed for individuals who desire dedicated web hosting but lack the necessary knowledge to operate it.
This solution allows you to have a specialized hosting firm manage your complete server. A managed dedicated server is extremely pricey. If you believe you can run and administer your website server on your own, you should choose unmanaged dedicated server hosting over managed dedicated server hosting.
When you see that your site’s traffic has increased significantly and it is taking too long to load, you might consider a dedicated server web hosting. An examination of your website’s traffic will reveal whether you should switch to a dedicated server.
When you have a large number of concurrent users working on your website, you should replace your shared web hosting with a dedicated server web hosting.
Since a dedicated server web hosting does not share its server with other websites (as opposed to shared web hosting), you will have far greater control over your server’s operation and capacity.
One of the benefits of web hosting on a dedicated server is that it can be remotely configured and administered. The only barrier is the price. You must spend significantly more for dedicated server web hosting than for shared server web hosting. Nevertheless, the amenities more than justify the expense.
When selecting a web hosting service for a dedicated server, you should prioritize network stability, operation dependability, and the ease of use of advanced applications. A dedicated server web hosting service can be the optimal answer for someone who takes his online presence seriously.