When Web Hosting, Consider Dedicated Servers

There are various forms of hosting. However, what is the actual distinction between the various hosting types?

To begin with, there are the typical hosting concerns: the speed, the disk space, the bandwidth, and the cost. Today, though, I’m going to highlight one essential host parameter that you may neglect, but should not. This is the most important parameter: who else is hosted on the same server as you?

Are you confused as to why this is a significant issue? Actually, there is no cause to be confused. When you reside in a particular residence, are you unconcerned about your neighbors? What additional websites reside on your server is of comparable relevance.

First and foremost, the worst part of hosting a website is discovering that it resides in a terrible neighborhood. Here are several things that can go wrong in a poor neighborhood:

  • If someone other than you, I repeat, someone other than you, has been using your server to send spam emails, your server may already be on the list of banned servers. This means that your mail may end up in the recipient’s junk mail folder. Some of the more powerful spam filters would prevent your email from ever reaching its destination.
  • Regardless of your internet marketing plan, search engines will generate a large amount of your website’s traffic. If other websites on your server are blacklisted by a search engine, your site may also be penalized. This is especially true if you share an IP address.

The list goes on. Indeed, it can become scarier. But without further ado, I’ll get right to the solution to all these issues. Are you all set? The easiest way is to acquire dedicated web hosting. This indicates that your website or websites are hosted on a dedicated server.

This is not the only benefit of having a dedicated host. You have virtually complete control over the software you install and the programs you execute. The nature of the background processes you execute. The nature of your contingency plan. Plus a great deal more.

Dedicated hosting is more expensive. Therefore, you will need to weigh this against the benefits you receive. In each circumstance, an informed decision is preferable to an uninformed one.